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Plasma Cosmetic Container Suitability 플라즈마 화장품은, 플라즈마의 제형 내 장기 안정성을 확보하는 것이 중
A Study on the Correlation of Design Elements about Cosmetics Package and B.I 최근 한국의 화장품 산업은 중국과 동남아
The Impact of CSV by Cosmetics Companies on Corporate Image and Brand Loyalty 화장품 기업의 동물실험, 폐기물 처리, 근
Analysis of Heavy Metals Content in Distributed Children's Cosmetic Set 사용 연령이 만 4 세 이상부터 표시된 어린이 화
A study on the Women's choice for Cosmetics toward Socio-economic Status and Life Style The purpose of this study is to understand wome
Effect of Perceived Value of Bio Cosmetics on Trust and Repurchase Intention 목적: 본 연구는 바이오 화장품에 대해 인식
Men's Actual Usage and Purchase Pattern of Cosmetics According to their Appearance-Related Attitude Abstract I. 서론 II. 이론적
A Study on the Historical Evolution of Channel Structure of the Cosmetics Industry in Korea 본 연구는 1945년 이후 한국 화장
A Comparative Study on the Functional Cosmetic Materials of Water and Ethanol Extract of Sicyos angulatus L. 본 연구는 기능성
A study on relationship with cosmetics NCS recognition, field usability, and cosmetics subject satisfaction of cosmetologists 목적 NC