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전문자료 검색결과 (22,328건) NAVER OpenAPI

Effect of Chinese Consumers’ Ethnocentrism on Attitude toward Korean Cosmetics: Mediation of Korean Cosmetics Typicality 소비자
Ads Message, Consumers’ Chronological Age, and Subjective Age: Implications for Cosmetic Advertisements 본 연구는 화장품
Effects of Media and Interpersonal Communication on Intentions for Purchasing Men’s Cosmetics 본 연구는 합리적 행동 이론(T
A Study on the Expressed Characteristics of Experiential MarketingSeen in Flagship Stores - Focused on Cosmetic Brands - [연구배경]
绉叶石蛇床提取物作为功能性化妆品原料的生理活性研究 목적: 파슬리(Petroselinum crispum) 70% 에탄올 추
Purchasing and using behavior according to the experiences of side effects The purpose of this study is to offer basic data on cosmetic
A Study on the Marketing Strategy of Chinese Traditional Cosmetics Brand 'Huaxizi'- Focusing on the Preference of Traditional Cosmetics
A Study on the Marketing Strategy of Chinese Traditional Cosmetics Brand 'Huaxizi'- Focusing on the Preference of Traditional Cosmetics
A Study on the Point Makeup Purchasing and Using Behavior according to the Personal Color Awareness The purposes of this study were to