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A Study on the Design of Chinese Medical Cosmetics Emotional Package Using Generative AI- With the Focus on the Chinese ‘FulQun’ Br
A Study on the Design of Chinese Medical Cosmetics Emotional Package Using Generative AI- With the Focus on the Chinese ‘FulQun’ Br
A Study on Purchasing Behavior of Cosmetic Consumers on the Internet 본 연구는 최근 인터넷 보급의 활성화와 유통의
Effect of Supporters of Cosmetics Company's Beauty Product Evaluation Contents on Purchase Intentions 본 연구는 화장품회사의
Investigation on the Safety of Hydroquinone and Preservatives among Whitening Functional Cosmetics Containing Albutin in Korea 미백
Survey of Preservatives and UV Filter Ingredients of Distributed Sunblock Products in Korea 본 연구에서는 국내 유통 중인
A Study on the Physiological Activity of Cosmetics in Bupleurum falcatum L. Extract 시호는 약용작물의 하나로 해열, 진정,
A Study on the Physiological Activity of Cosmetics in Bupleurum falcatum L. Extract 시호는 약용작물의 하나로 해열, 진정,
A study on Chilean consumer’s purchase decision making process of Korean cosmetics 이 연구의 목적은 라틴아메리카 화장
A Application Strategy of Customer Scoring Model : Focusing on Cosmetics part of Department Store 기업에 있어서 고객의 특성