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전문자료 검색결과 (32,511건) NAVER OpenAPI

Fashion design in higher education using industry-university capstone design - Focused on Sustainable fashion - 본 연구는 산학협
Ethical Consumer Behavior in Korea: Current Status and Future Prospects 소비자, 윤리적소비행동, 영향요인, 가치관,
Innovations in Brand Communication Based on the Spread of Digital Fashion Films - Focusing on Fashion Shows and Digital Media - 패션
The effects of endorsers' perceived expertise and viewers' fashion involvement on product placement : The PPl of fashion goods in TV dr
An Analysis of Consumers’ Opinion on Fashion Influencer using Big Data 소셜미디어플랫폼을 통해 얻어지는 비정형의
The Impact of Characteristics of Fashion Influencer SNS에서 타인에게 직접 혹은 간접으로 영향을 미치는 일반인을
Cosmetics Purchasing Behavior of Males Based on the Fashion Life Style 메이크업, 화장품, 패션라이프스타일, 구매행
Effects of Shopping Value, Fashion Shopping Mall Attributes, Emotions and Purchasing Intention on Purchasing Behavior in Internet Fashi
A Study on Sustainable Fashion Runway of Ethical Fashion Brands - With A Focus On 'Sustainable Fashion And Design' Runway Of 2017 S/S S
Effect of Benefit thought and Fashion Image on Purchase Intention of Gal-ot Abstract=73,78,1 I. 서론=74,79,1 II. 문헌적 배경=74