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Bakery cafe physical environment, brand image and revisit the impact of relationship 본 연구는 베이커리카페 이용 소비자
A Study on the Effect of Bakery Shop Selection according to the Dietary Lifestyle on the Customer Behavioral Intention 본 연구이
The Effects of Bakery Cafe’s Selection Attributes on Customer Satisfaction and SNS WOM Intention: The Moderating Effect of Informatio
Moderating effect of customer value on the relationship between physical environment, customer satisfaction, and revisit intention in t
A Study on the Effect of the Quality of Menus in Dessert Cafe on the Perceived Customer Value and Revisit Intention 본 연구는 디
Dessert Consumption as Leisure : Hanging out at Dessert Cafés 본 연구에서는 참여관찰, 면담, 설문조사, 빅데이터분
Space Marketing: Cafe as the Third-Space While market in the past meant the place where things were exchanged, now it is changing to th
Effects of Instagram s Famous Dessert Café on Quality of Service and Consumption Sentiment Behavior - Focused on the dessert cafe in t
Cafe Waitress in Colonial Korea: An Analysis of Waitress Magazine, 『Yeoseong』 본 연구는 일제 식민지 시대 카페와 여
An Analyzed the Area of Interest based on the Visiting Intention and Existence of People in Cafe Space Cafe Sapce, Eye-Tracking, Existe