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Local Food and the Development of Local Movement Networks - A Case Study of Wonju City in Korea 이 연구는 로컬푸드 연구의
Urban Community Movement and Creating a Cooperative Community: A Case Study for Wonju Cooperative Network 도시적 삶이 주는 소
A comparative study on characteristics od waterlevel responses to rainfall in the two aquifer systems 강원도 원주지역 암반대
A Study on the Effects of Social Capital on Growth and Sustainability of Cooperatives: Centered on a Case of Wonju, Korea 요즘 정책
Financial Operation and Iljinhoe of the WonjuJinwidae during the Korean Empire 이 글은 대한제국기 원주진위대 재정운영
A Cross-Sectional Study of Dietary Habits and Eating Behavior amongst Elementary, Middle and High School Students in Wonju City 목차
The Meaning and Role of Grassroots Social Economic Governance -The Case of Cooperative Movement in Wonju Area- 경제의 세계화로
The Reality and Characteristics of Wonju Farmers’ Market in the light of Marketness and Embeddedness 이 연구의 기본 목적은
Wonju in Dongju Lee Min-gu’s 「Gwandongrok」 본고의 목적은 동주 이민구의 문집 동주집 전집 권 7에 수록된
The Reality and Characteristics of Wonju Farmers’ Market in the light of Marketness and Embeddedness 이 연구의 기본 목적은